Does Massage Therapy Lower Or Raise Blood Pressure?

Does Massage Therapy Lower Or Raise Blood Pressure

Our health suffers silently as a result of the stresses and anxieties that come with navigating modern life. Among various holistic approaches to health management, massage therapy stands out not only for its ability to relax but also for its potential impact on our cardiovascular health. But does massage therapy lower or raise blood pressure? […]

Can A Deep Tissue Massage Cause Blood Clots?

Can A Deep Tissue Massage Cause Blood Clots?

When considering therapies to ease muscle pain and tension, deep tissue massage often surfaces as a popular choice due to its profound impact on chronic aches. However, for those especially concerned about their circulatory health, the pressing question arises: Can a deep tissue massage cause blood clots?  Deep tissue massage cannot directly cause blood clots, […]

What To Do After A Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage

Experiencing a deep tissue massage can be profoundly therapeutic, targeting chronic muscle tension and facilitating deep relaxation. However, to truly maximise the benefits and mitigate any discomfort, it’s crucial to know what to do after a deep tissue massage.  After a deep tissue massage, ensure optimal recovery by hydrating well. You must also rest to […]

Can Deep Tissue Massage Help Weight Loss?

Are you exploring natural and supportive methods to complement your weight loss journey? If so, then deep tissue massage might be a valuable addition to your regimen. While it is not a magic solution for shedding pounds directly, its indirect benefits can significantly boost your efforts toward achieving a healthier weight.  Can deep tissue massage […]