Dry Needling: Its Benefits and Uses

Dry needling is picking up popularity at a rapid pace due to its advantages. The procedure is simple to administer and incredibly effective when quality services are provided. It makes relieving tension easy, showing tremendous changes in your body after a single session.

So, what is dry needling? What are its benefits? What should you look for in good services? Find answers to all your questions and more as you read on. 

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is the process of inserting small needles without any fluid at specific points to relieve tension from the muscles. Sensitive muscles are contracted and tensed, but these can be reduced by identifying key trigger points. Dry needling relieves stress and eases the pressure.

So, what is dry needling? It is an incredibly helpful technique for myofascial pain and is performed by acupuncturists, chiropractors, medical doctors and some physical therapists.

What Are Its Advantages?

Dry needling has the following advantages:

  • Low invasiveness

Dry needling involves low invasiveness, with the needle not affecting the target area to the extent of having side effects. No scars or wounds are left behind, making them incredibly safe procedures. Due to their zero side effects, you can get dry needling services to relieve pain whenever you want.

  • Conjuncture with other therapies

Dry needling pairs well with all other forms of therapy. All kinds of physical therapy targeting the same muscles or any other form of massage can be supplemented with this procedure, which makes it a non-standalone process. You can try out the process once to see how effective it is whilst still pursuing your therapies.

  • Reduces medication consumption

With increased healing rates with dry needling, you can slowly discontinue medication targeting the muscles as your doctor prescribes. Drugs often have deadly side effects on the body, which can be avoided with this procedure. 

  • Effective results

Dry needling is highly effective in relieving pain. With a noticeable change in the tension levels of your muscles, this procedure is suited to ease pain from knots and muscles.

How Is It Different From Acupuncture?

Acupuncture may seem similar to dry needling, but it differs in terms of their procedure and uses. Acupuncture involves the application of needles throughout the body and is used to target many other diseases, like allergies and stress. The procedure is pursued primarily and rarely used in conjunction with other therapies.

On the other hand, dry needling involves injecting small needles into only a few key points called trigger points. Its main objective is simply to relieve tension and pressure from muscles and joints. It works well with any other form of treatment, so it appeals to people from all health demographics.

How To Choose Dry Needling Services

Choosing good dry needling services can be a task in itself, as the procedure requires trust. Here are some traits to look for in quality services:

  • Customer attention

The ideal service should help you become acquainted with the procedure by answering your questions about what is dry needling and assisting you in determining your schedule. Ample attention to your needs, medical history and inhibitions guarantees a seamless experience whilst making you comfortable and answering all your queries.

  • Quality of services

Trained professionals with a good history of dry needling will give you the confidence to follow through with the procedure. Good quality of service is critical, especially in a process like this that requires expertise to insert needles in crucial areas properly. It is vital to never compromise on quality whilst looking for dry needling services.

  • Pricing

The price point is a good point of consideration when choosing dry needling services. Setting a budget that is in line with market standards helps you prevent yourself from overspending whilst looking for excellent quality or accolades among dry needling services.

  • Customer reviews

Customer reviews are a great source of unbiased opinion. You can trust previous customers’ experiences and weigh your options accurately before choosing dry needling services. It is recommended that you speak with people who have gone through the process to prepare yourself for what you can expect from the services on offer.

Be at Your Best With FlexiFit Physiotherapy

Dry needling is an effective procedure to relieve tension from muscles by inserting tiny needles into trigger points. They relieve pain and are incredibly effective. You can choose good dry needling services after careful consideration of user experience, quality, pricing and customer reviews.

We, at FlexiFit Physiotherapy, offer excellent dry needling services by experienced professionals to ensure a safe and effective process. You will come out of a session feeling lighter and with less tension in the targeted muscles. Contact us here to book an appointment today.

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