How Can Physiotherapy Help You?

With the changing lifestyle, people suffer from various health issues, such as muscle pain, and sprain. Most people take medicines to get relief; however, medicines also have some side effects, which might cause additional harm. This is when physiotherapy comes to the rescue. 

Physiotherapy is a form of physical therapy customised as per the needs of the individual and their medical conditions. The best part is it helps people of all ages. These exercises can help a person get back to their prior level of functioning.  

Physiotherapy programs are designed to encourage people to make lifestyle changes and help them get back to their normal life without any medicine. If your doctor recommends physiotherapy, you can contact us at FlexiFit Physiotherapy for the best physiotherapists. Physiotherapists are trained professionals who do the job. 

However, before booking a consultation, make sure you know what does physiotherapy do. Keep reading this article to know how physiotherapy can help manage your health issues. 

What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a type of medical treatment that helps restore the functioning of the body parts. It combines rehabilitation, sustainable healing, injury prevention and holistic fitness. This treatment mainly focuses on movement and the concept that revolves around it. 

Physiotherapy is known as kinesiology or physical therapy and commonly helps treat cardiopulmonary diseases and orthopaedic and neurological disorders. People of all age groups, including kids, can be treated with the help of physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy employs techniques that help to regain mobility, such as massages and exercises. However, this treatment is employed only when the disease is diagnosed. After diagnosis, doctors recommend physiotherapy treatment to the patient depending upon the condition and also tell them what treatment plan will work best for them. 

Why Do You Need It?

Physiotherapy is often needed when a person is recovering from a major surgery or injury. They go through physiotherapy sessions to relieve the pain and restore the functioning and strength of their body parts. 

There are several medical conditions when you need physiotherapists, such as muscle strains, wrong posture, muscle spasms or any external injury. Physiotherapists help patients to manage their pain and regain their strength. 

Here are a few conditions when people go to physiotherapists:

  • To improve body balance
  • To get help with knee or hip surgery recovery
  • To prevent injuries
  • To get help with stretching and flexibility of muscles
  • To accelerate the healing process after surgery
  • To improve their posture
  • To alleviate muscle spasms.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

We all have heard a lot about physiotherapy, but you might wonder how physiotherapy helps in treating medical conditions without medicine. Is there magic or something else? 

Also, people worry that doing exercises might lead to an increase in their pain or cause damage to their joints. However, the reality is that our body and joints are designed for movement, and inactivity might lead to weakening them.

Physiotherapy is not a random exercise but a highly customised therapy. When you visit the physiotherapist, they will ask you about your current level of physical activity and the problems you suffer from. They will inspect your joints and muscle strengths and then curate special exercises and activities based on your needs.

When consulting the physiotherapist, make sure you know what does physiotherapy do. 

The physiotherapy session may include the following:

  • Help you avoid exercises that might impact your injury and suggest the equipment to assist your training. 
  • Provide advice on increasing your physical activity
  • Set goals and strike the right balance between rest and activity
  • Suggest exercises that will help you improve your strength, fitness, mobility and flexibility 
  • Advise on treatments and techniques to manage your pain, including acupuncture, heat or ice packs, and massage.
  • Offer hydrotherapy or aquatic therapy.

Advantages of Physiotherapy 

Regardless of the pain and injury, physiotherapy can help people of all ages. Physiotherapy is a great way to restore the strength of your body parts. Here are a few benefits of physiotherapy:

Relief From Pain

The biggest advantage of physiotherapy is that it gives lasting relief from pain. The pains you might suffer from may be due to several reasons, such as wrong body posture, external injury or any major surgery. When this pain starts interfering with daily activity, then it’s time to contact a physiotherapist. Physio sessions will help reduce the pain without painkillers.

Better Balance And Mobility

People recovering from any surgery or injury are often asked to restrict their movement, which further takes them a while to get back to their normal gait. Mobility becomes a challenge in this case. Here, physiotherapy sessions can help your body regain flexibility and strength.  

Manage Age-Related Problems

With age, the joints and muscles start losing calcium which makes them weak. They become more prone to problems such as osteoporosis and arthritis. In such cases, physiotherapy can be a great aid. It helps to improve coordination and movement. 

Be at Your Best With FlexiFit Physiotherapy

The bottom line is that physiotherapy can aid in treating medical conditions and reduce dependence on medicines. However, finding the right physiotherapist is equally important. You must also know what does physiotherapy do before consulting them.

You can contact us at FlexiFit Physiotherapy to get the best physiotherapist. 

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