girl doing strength training in the beach

Health Benefits of Strength Training

What pops in your mind when someone talks about strength training? Most people can connect it only with bodybuilders who have a hulk-like body. This concept discourages many women from trying strength training. Some believe that it is designed only for men or those needing a model-like physique. If you also think this same way, it is now time for you to debunk this myth.

You should add strength training to your daily workout routine; an expert physio who services Cromer like FlexiFit Physiotherapy will always suggest you to opt for strength training. It will make you stronger. Moreover, strength training provides women with multiple health benefits. Keep reading this blog to learn all these health benefits!

8 Benefits of Strength Training for Women

Well-functioned body

Cardio can be the best bet for burning fat, but it cannot help you to build the muscle needed for body movement. According to research, even a little muscle can burn more calories. It improves your metabolic rate. You do not need to be worried about being too “bulky” as women usually do not have a higher level of testosterone to support this bulky physique.

Lowered anxiety

You can reduce your anxiety with the help of regular exercise. Some people have found running therapeutic; while some other people prefer repeating muscle actions to release negativity from their minds. It is a proven fact that low to moderate strength training is useful for reducing anxiety. It also enhances self-esteem, particularly in women. Several studies have revealed that women feel happy about their body image when they find the actual progress in their strength training.

Improves bone health

After menopause, many women keep losing their bone mass due to the decrease in estrogen levels. It may lead them to several bone diseases including osteoporosis. In comparison to men, women lose bone mass at an earlier stage and a rapid pace. Strength training remodels the bones and helps women deal with this bone mass losing issue. If you visit a professional physio that services Dee Why, you would be able to learn how many women are asking the physio for remedy due to bone mass and hitting the gym to improve their bone mass.

Reduced risks of heart diseases

Physical activity is associated with disease prevention. Regular strength training can improve cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure levels. It lowers the risk of heart diseases. That is why the American Heart Association has recommended resistance training twice or more days a week for adult men and women. Beginners should do resistance training once a week for 2-3 weeks. Once they are familiar with the exercises, then they can do them twice or more a week.

Basic exercises you should try at home or in your gym

If you are a novice who is clueless about where to start, you may need to ask a physio like FlexiFit who works with lots of clients in Dee Why on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Bodyweight exercises can be defined as a kind of strength training that you can do with your body weight as a form of resistance. You can tweak these exercises considering your ability level. Listed below are some basic strength exercises those women can easily practice at their homes or gyms.

Chair dips targeting arms

A sturdy piece of furniture, be it a chair or a coffee table is all you need for this exercise. You should place it behind your body, face away from it, and posit your hands on the edge of your seat. Keep your arms straight and bend your knees. In slow motion, you should lower your body by bending your arms to a 90-degree angle. This position must be held for 10 seconds before you repeat it.

Crunches exercise targeting abs

You should take a mat and lie on it. Putting hands over your head, you should bend knees. It can be done placing your feet firmly on the floor. Now you should start lifting your legs off your floor and cross them. Keep your hands at your back. Hold this position for 5 seconds and again repeat this process.

Squats targeting the core and legs

You need to stand with feet hip-width apart and position your arms out keeping your arms tightened. Next, bend your knees keeping your upper body as straight as possible.

Apart from the exercises listed above, you can try lunges targeting legs and planks targeting hips. Regular strength exercises will make you healthy and happy. So if you aren’t already, start introducing strength training into your regular routine and consult with FlexiFit on the best exercises for your body and to achieve your goals.

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