The Best Type Of Massage For Lower Back Pain

Best Type Of Massage For Lower Back Pain

Struggling with nagging lower back pain? It’s a common issue that can disrupt daily life and activities, but massage therapy has emerged as a powerful remedy, offering significant improvements in pain management and mobility.  If you’re dealing with lower back discomfort and looking for solutions, discovering the best type of massage for lower back pain […]

Is Deep Tissue Massage Good For Back Pain?

Is Deep Tissue Massage Good For Back Pain

Are you tired of back pain that never seems to go away, no matter what treatments you try?  Deep tissue massage might be the solution you’re looking for. Unlike other treatments that only address surface symptoms, this method penetrates deep into the muscle layers to tackle the root causes of pain. Now you might be […]

How Long After Dry Needling Can I Exercise?

How Long After Dry Needling Can I Exercise

Have you recently undergone dry needling therapy and are eager to get back to your exercise routine? Understanding when it’s safe to resume physical activity after a session of dry needling is crucial for optimising both your recovery and the benefits of your workout.  So, how long after dry needling can I exercise? Typically, it’s […]

What Not To Do After Dry Needling?

What Not To Do After Dry Needling

Dry needling can be a game-changer for relieving muscle pain and improving mobility, but what you do after your session is just as important as the treatment itself. Knowing what not to do after dry needling helps protect the treated areas and aid your body’s natural healing process. Missteps can delay recovery and potentially lead […]

What To Expect After Dry Needling?

What To Expect After Dry Needling

If you’ve just had a session or are considering one, you’re probably wondering what to expect after dry needling. Dry needling is a popular treatment for muscle pain and tightness, but what happens after the needles are out? Post-treatment, it’s important to hydrate and monitor any soreness in the treated areas. Temporary muscle soreness and […]

How Long Do The Benefits Of Dry Needling Last?

How long do the benefits of dry needling last

If you are struggling with persistent muscle pain and tension, dry needling can offer the relief you need. But how long do the benefits of dry needling last? You’ll be pleased to know that with regular sessions and proper care, these benefits can extend well beyond the initial relief. Dry needling often provides immediate relief […]

What Is Dry Needling?

What is is dry needling?

Are you tired of living with constant muscle pain and tension? Dry needling might be the solution you’ve been searching for.  Many people struggle with chronic pain, tight muscles and limited mobility, often finding little relief from traditional treatments. Imagine a technique that targets the root of your pain and offers quick and lasting relief. […]

Is Dry Needling Worth It?

Is dry needling worth it?

Chronic pain and muscle tightness can significantly impact your quality of life, leaving many in search of effective, lasting relief. If you’re wondering, ‘Is dry needling worth it?‘, you’re not alone. For those experiencing musculoskeletal issues, dry needling offers a promising solution. It is a minimally painful, safe and highly effective technique for treating musculoskeletal […]

What’s the Difference Between Dry Needling And Acupuncture? A Quick Guide

Difference between dry needling and acupuncture

Understanding the difference between dry needling and acupuncture is crucial for those seeking effective pain relief and holistic healing. With many people struggling to decide which therapy suits their specific health needs, clarifying these treatments can help you make an informed choice that optimises your well-being. Dry needling targets muscle pain and tension directly, addressing […]

Does Massage Therapy Lower Or Raise Blood Pressure?

Does Massage Therapy Lower Or Raise Blood Pressure

Our health suffers silently as a result of the stresses and anxieties that come with navigating modern life. Among various holistic approaches to health management, massage therapy stands out not only for its ability to relax but also for its potential impact on our cardiovascular health. But does massage therapy lower or raise blood pressure? […]

Can A Deep Tissue Massage Cause Blood Clots?

Can A Deep Tissue Massage Cause Blood Clots?

When considering therapies to ease muscle pain and tension, deep tissue massage often surfaces as a popular choice due to its profound impact on chronic aches. However, for those especially concerned about their circulatory health, the pressing question arises: Can a deep tissue massage cause blood clots?  Deep tissue massage cannot directly cause blood clots, […]

What To Do After A Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage

Experiencing a deep tissue massage can be profoundly therapeutic, targeting chronic muscle tension and facilitating deep relaxation. However, to truly maximise the benefits and mitigate any discomfort, it’s crucial to know what to do after a deep tissue massage.  After a deep tissue massage, ensure optimal recovery by hydrating well. You must also rest to […]

Can Deep Tissue Massage Help Weight Loss?

Are you exploring natural and supportive methods to complement your weight loss journey? If so, then deep tissue massage might be a valuable addition to your regimen. While it is not a magic solution for shedding pounds directly, its indirect benefits can significantly boost your efforts toward achieving a healthier weight.  Can deep tissue massage […]

Does Physical Therapy Help Nerve Pain?

Does Physical Therapy Help Nerve Pain

Nerve pain can be an incredibly debilitating condition, impacting every facet of an individual’s life – from simple daily activities to sleep quality. Finding an effective treatment that addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes of nerve pain is crucial for those affected. And if you are one of those searching for relief, you […]

Types of Massage in Physiotherapy

In the pursuit of holistic well-being and recovery, the types of massage in physiotherapy play a crucial role in addressing a spectrum of physical conditions. Whether you’re struggling with chronic pain, recovering from an injury or simply striving for optimal health, understanding these therapeutic techniques can be transformative.  In physiotherapy, techniques, such as effleurage, petrissage […]

When to See a Physio for Knee Pain? Expert Guidance for Relief

When to See a Physio for Knee Pain

Experiencing knee pain can be a challenge, affecting everything from your daily activities to your ability to enjoy hobbies and exercise.  Often, individuals endure discomfort for too long, uncertain about the appropriate time to seek professional help. Understanding when to see a physio for knee pain is crucial in addressing the issue promptly, ensuring a […]

Should I See a Physio or Chiro for Back Pain

When you’re struggling with back pain, the pressing question, “Should I See a Physio or Chiro for Back Pain?” becomes more than just a query; it’s a quest for relief and a path to better health. Back pain, a common ailment affecting individuals of all ages, not only hinders daily activities but also impacts the […]

How Northern Beaches Physio Helps With Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprains are common occurrences on the Northern Beaches, often resulting from various activities like beach sports, running on sand or engaging in outdoor adventures. At FlexiFit Physiotherapy, we recognise the unique challenges faced by our coastal community and provide specialised care tailored to each individual’s needs. Understanding Ankle Sprains and Their Common Causes Ankle […]

12 Tips to Get the Most of Your Collaroy Sports Physio

Collaroy sports physio, much like any other physiotherapy service, plays a pivotal role in enhancing and maintaining your physical well-being. To make the most out of your experience with Collaroy sports physio or a similar service, consider these practical tips tailored for you. 1. Clear Communication Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful physiotherapy […]

The Role of Northern Beaches Physio in ACL Injury, Rehabilitation and Recovery

In the fast-paced world we live in, injuries are an unfortunate reality, and one that many of us face. Today, let’s discuss a common yet often misunderstood injury, the ACL injury, and understand how our Northern Beaches physio team plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation and recovery process. What Is an ACL Injury? The […]

Northern Beaches Sports Physio: Essential Tips for Metatarsal Stress Fractures

Do you hear the call of the sports field, the adrenaline rush as you push your limits? If you’re a sports enthusiast on the Northern Beaches, you know the joy and challenge that comes with staying active. Yet, sometimes, our bodies send us signals, especially in the form of metatarsal stress fractures. Don’t let these […]

Calf Strain? Here’s How Northern Beaches Physio Can Help You

Calf strains, though common, can be downright painful and frustrating. Whether you’re an athlete pushing your limits or someone who enjoys the occasional jog along the picturesque shores of the Northern Beaches, a calf strain can halt your active lifestyle in its tracks. In this article, we’ll explore what calf strains are, their common causes, […]

Top Reasons You Need a Collaroy Sports Physio

Are you tired of those persistent aches and pains that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try to rest or self-treat? It’s time to consider a Collaroy sports physio.  At FlexiFit Physiotherapy, we’re all about helping you be the best version of yourself, and one way to achieve that is through specialised, […]

Tips on Finding the Right Northern Beaches Physio for You

If you’re on the hunt for a trusted physiotherapist on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Australia, look no further! Finding the right Northern Beaches physio can make all the difference in your journey towards improved musculoskeletal health and overall well-being. FlexiFit Physiotherapy, a family-run business with over two decades of experience, understands the importance of […]

How To Prevent Sports Injuries Effectively

People who actively participate in sports often come across injuries. For them, sports injuries can hinder their game and impact their daily routine. Sports injuries can be painful, debilitating and can sideline athletes for weeks or even months. The good thing is that different options for treating and rehabilitating the injured sportsperson are now available. […]

Ergonomic Assessment: Improving Workplace Health and Safety

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are the cause of illness in most working populations. In addition to having a negative impact on productivity and quality of life, work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are identified as a popular reason for short-term work disability.  Recently, even workplaces with low injury risk have started conducting a thorough ergonomic assessment. This is […]

Why Women’s Health Physiotherapy Is So Important

Women’s health physiotherapy is a specialised area of physiotherapy that focuses on the unique health needs of women throughout their lives. From puberty to pregnancy, menopause to beyond, women experience a range of physiological changes that can impact their overall health and wellbeing.  Women’s health physiotherapy provides a holistic and personalised approach to addressing these […]

How To Improve Women’s Health

Women’s health is a vital concern that has an impact not just on individuals but also their families and communities. Females must have access to the medical resources and information they need to take care of their physical and emotional well-being throughout their lives. This encompasses regular check-ups, screenings and preventative care. Women’s health physiotherapy […]

How to Get Rid of a Headache

Do you deal with frequent headaches? Headaches are some of the most common ailments today. They usually go away independently without medical intervention, but persistent headaches require specialised treatments and quality care. With several specialised therapies available, exploring your options can help you say goodbye to constant headaches. So how to get rid of a […]

What Is Orthotics?

If you want to know what is orthotics, you need to understand that its main goal is to enhance the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and alleviate pain. Orthotics can correct structural imbalances, redistribute weight-bearing forces and stabilise joints. This also helps align the spine and limbs, preventing further injury and enhancing overall movement. Furthermore, […]